Our Camps

Echo Pond Junior

Age Group: 7-9

Length: 3 days, 2 nights

  • An introduction to Echo Pond for our younger campers
  • Build confidence, independence, and make new friends in a fun, safe and welcoming camp environment
  • Activities include swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, beginner map-reading, shelter-building, and lots of outdoor games

Echo Pond 

Age Group: 10-12

Length: 5 days, 4 nights

  • Activities include swimming, canoeing, campfires, storytelling, crafts, nature interpretation, orienteering, big group games, shelter-building, trouting, yoga, and campfire-building

Teen Camp

Age Group: 13-15

Length: 5 days, 4 nights

  • All the fun of the other Echo Pond camps, with the opportunity for some extra challenge
  • Activities include swimming, canoeing, campfires, storytelling, crafts, nature interpretation, orienteering, big group games, shelter-building, and skill-building activities such as trouting, yoga, and campfire-building.
  • Campers choose between two adventures
    • Water Adventure: A challenging overnight canoe trip
    • Land Adventure: A camper-led day hike and boil up with the option to sleep in shelters built close to camp.

Leadership Camp

Age Group: 15-16

Length: 5 days, 4 nights

With a strong focus on developing leadership skills and community building, campers will be challenged in ways they never have at Echo Pond. This camp will include guest speakers from the community, personal and group development activities, and an overnight hike.

Our Junior Leader training will also be included in this camp for interested campers!

Junior Leader Program

Age Group: 15-16

The Junior Leader Program is for campers ages 15/16 who want to move outside their comfort zone, learn leadership skills, and expand on their camp experience. Junior Leaders attend in-person training where they learn leadership skills, how Echo Pond camps function, and how to work alongside Echo Pond staff to provide a magical camp experience. Junior Leaders then volunteer at one of our Junior camps (ages 7-9).

Volunteering counts as 30 hours for their career course (if applicable) and they also receive references from the Camp Director. We typically bring on 6-8 Junior Leaders each summer.